I found www.syslog.org on the web in search of a syslog forum. It kind of looks like these guys obtained the domain name from somebody else. At least it looks so far as a slow starter ... and some of the incoming links look like the target really different content Anyhow, this looks like a good idea and I hope they will have success
OK, I finally got my syslog link repository online... well.. actually that will happen in about 8 hours, when the content management system copies it to the production server. I hope this site will evolve into a respected repository of syslog-related information (did you know: or PIX tutorials in the tutrial sessions are already *very* successful ).
Hi, I just started a blog yesterday at blogger ... and then found out that the alias "syslog" was already taken. Well, being kind of insistent I ended up searching for a service where it was free. And so here I am. This is my first attempt at blogging. I can't guarantee I will really stick with it. But it is interesting. In this blog, I try to note down what I think important in regard to the syslog protocol. As I am also working for a company who is working on syslog solutions, there can b...